Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Courses by TDD/MOE

The photo shows a research lesson in action with teachers observing students. This is a Grade 2 class in Keys Grade School, Manila.

Ministry of Education (TDD) is organising a three-session lesson study training in July, one for primary and one for secondary schools.

9 July 2010
Session 1 : An Overview of LS

27 July (Primary) & 29 July (Secondary)
Session 2 : LS focussing on lesson planning with actual/ live demonstration of how to facilitate planning. Group discussion based on participants observation & summary of explicit learning by Dr Yeap. Only for participants already /embarking on LS . (half day).

28 July (Primary) & 30 July (Secondary)
Session 3: A follow-up of Session 2. A live demonstration of research lesson in action with participants observing. Group discussion based on lesson observation & lesson revision. (half day)

These sessions are for participnats to learn about the lesson study process and how to facilitate teacher learning across subject areas.

I believe you register via TRAISI.